Towards the Right to Health: Imple­men­ta­ti­on of the Anony­mer Kran­ken­schein Still Not in Sight

In their coali­ti­on agree­ment, the Red-Red-Green Ber­lin federal government agreed to intro­du­ce an anony­mous healt­h­ca­re in the form of a pilot pro­ject. After much deba­te – deba­te that we fought in – it was agreed that healt­h­ca­re for tho­se without regu­la­ri­zed resi­den­ti­al sta­tus would be secu­red through an anony­mous health pass (Anony­mer Kran­ken­schein – AK). After long nego­tia­ti­ons with Berlin’s federal government and by means of public pres­su­re, the issue is final­ly on the agen­da. An annu­al sum of € 1.5 mil­li­on has been allo­ca­ted in Berlin’s government bud­get for both per­son­nel and tre­at­ment expen­ses. It was agreed that by 2018, the­se funds were sup­po­sed to be used for set­ting up a clea­ring­hou­se that pro­vi­des advice on pos­si­ble ways of obtai­ning a safe resi­den­ti­al sta­tus and health care. In cases whe­re neit­her opti­ons are pos­si­ble, pati­ents would recei­ve an anony­mous health pass (AK) that allows them to visit doc­tors and recei­ve medi­cal tre­at­ment.

As of now, no con­cre­te steps have been taken in order to rea­li­ze this plan. The con­cept the Ber­lin sena­te adop­ted on March 27 remains vague. Important ques­ti­ons that inclu­de the mat­ter of which insti­tu­ti­on will ope­ra­te the clea­ring­hou­se, its bil­ling moda­li­ties, and the abi­li­ty to choo­se doc­tors free­ly are still unanswe­red. Even though the sena­te has been advi­sed for several mon­ths by experts/stakeholders with prac­tical expe­ri­ence, it is delay­ing the pro­ject immen­se­ly at the moment. Many peop­le in Ber­lin are still denied access to healt­h­ca­re despi­te having a legal to it / being legal­ly ent­it­led to it. Access to healt­h­ca­re for per­sons without resi­dence remains extre­me­ly limi­ted and without «vol­un­ta­ry» work it would not be pos­si­ble at all.

Soli­da­ri­ty City deman­ds fast and effec­tive rea­li­za­ti­on of the plan to intro­du­ce an Anony­mous Health Pass. The Ber­lin sena­te now has to pro­ve the poli­ti­cal will it has expres­sed loud­ly over the last mon­ths by this rea­li­za­ti­on. Due to its limi­ted fun­ding and its restric­ted access to health ser­vices (accord­ing to Asyl­um See­kers› Bene­fit Act / Asyl­be­wer­ber­leis­tungs­ge­setz), the con­cept of the Anony­mous Health Pass must still be con­s­i­de­red a com­pro­mi­se and a tem­pora­ry solu­ti­on. That is why we con­ti­nue to demand the inclu­si­on of all peop­le living here into the regu­lar health insuran­ce, regard­less of their sta­tus.